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RTHK Radio 2 94.8 FM

About RTHK Radio 2 94.8 FM

RTHK Radio 2 94.8 FM

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68 votes
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5 reviews for RTHK Radio 2 94.8 FM

A very entertaining station, positive,innovative,educational and reliable......thumbs up!
2013-10-21 at 23:51
Richie L {The Doc}
A very good radio station, programmes are rich and entertaining, DJs are professional , impartial and fair. I would say it is the best of its kind in Hong Kong.....Keep it up!
2013-10-17 at 02:10
fun n laugh!
2013-09-23 at 04:59
good talk show! must for all hongkongers
2013-09-20 at 07:26
I like and enjoy listening to this station. All the best!
2012-09-26 at 05:18

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