Mega 88.1 FM
About Mega 88.1 FM
Mega 88.1 FM

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Mega 88.1 FM Station Information
Aruba, Oranjestad -
4 reviews for Mega 88.1 FM
eliseu pinto teixeira
Brasil. Muito bom programa. Very good program.
2012-11-08 at 22:27
buena sintonia.... se escucha bien y me encanta porque puede pedir canciones desde mi blackberry al blackberry del locutor... asi en toda sintonia...... y me dega escuchar las peticiones que hago... y a veces de esa manera dego a otras personas que conozco abrir mega88 para escuchar los saludos que les mando desde el exterior de holanda para aruba y desde alla para españa o cualquier lugar del mundo...
Good tune .... sounds good and I love it because it can request songs from my blackberry to blackberry speaker ... so tune in all ...... and listen to requests dega me do ... and sometimes that way dego to other people I know mega88 open to hear that I send greetings from outside Holland to Aruba and from there to Spain or anywhere in the world ...
2012-09-06 at 20:53
Is a great with good music... i listen every day from holland to the this radio in aruba.
2012-09-05 at 20:51
I like it because is to feel my self in my island aruba...... nice music...
2012-09-04 at 21:10
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