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Instrumentals Forever

The greatest orchestras, bigbands and instrumentalists

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About Instrumentals Forever

The greatest orchestras, bigbands and instrumentalists non-stop on Instrumentals Forever, your internet-only radiostation with instrumental music. With special attention to the varied work of James Last.

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3 reviews for Instrumentals Forever

The station plays an excellent variety of instrumentals, love it.
2014-01-05 at 19:10
Great instrumental music
2013-12-09 at 16:18
Charles C
Vous dire combien il est agréable de vous écouter et de retrouver les belles années passés..grâce a vous. Merci bonne chance a l équipe. You say how nice it is to listen to you and find the best years past .. thanks to you. Thank you good luck the team.
2013-08-04 at 21:45

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